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Journal Papers
2015Ronghu Chi, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Danwei Wang, Chiang-Ju Chien,2015,Enhanced data-driven optimal terminal ILC using current iteration control knowledge,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,26,11,pp2939-2948 (SCI)Chiang-Ju Chien
2015Ying-Chung Wang, Chiang-Ju Chien, Ronghu Chi & Zhongsheng Hou ,2015, A Fuzzy-Neural Adaptive Terminal Iterative Learning Control for Fed-Batch Fermentation Processes,International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Volume 17,Issue 3 (2015),pp423-433 (SCI)Ying-Chung Wang
2015Ying-Chung Wang, Chiang-Ju Chien, Ronghu Chi, Zhongsheng Hou,2015,A fuzzy-neural adaptive terminal iterative learning control for fed-batch fermentation processes,International Journal of Fuzzy Systems,17,3,pp423-433 (SCI)Chiang-Ju Chien
2015Yi-Lung Lai, Tai-Yuan Chang, Kow-Ming Chang, Chu-Feng Chen, Chiung-Hui Lai, Yi-Ming Chen, Allen Jong-Woei Whang, Hui-Lung Lai, Huai-Yi Chen, and Shiu-Yu Wang,2015,Effects of low-temperature Si buffer thickness and SiGe oxidation on sensitivity of Si1-xGex nanowire,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,54,pp06FG12-1-06FG12-5 (SCI)Huai-Yi Chen
2015Chiang-Ju Chien, Yu-Chung Hung, RongHu Chi,2015,On the current error based sampled-data iterative learning control with reduced memory capacity,International Journal of Automation and Computing,12,3,pp307-513 (EI)Chiang-Ju Chien
2014Huai-Yi Chen and Chih-Hsuan Tsuei,2014,Color Temperature, Hues and Brightness Tuning Method for Images in Digital Cameras ,Advanced Materials Research,1006-1007,pp1026-1030 (EI)Huai-Yi Chen
2014Ying-Chung Wang and Chiang-Ju Chien,2014,An observer-based model reference adaptive iterative learning controller for nonlinear systems,International Journal of Fuzzy Systems,16,1,pp75-85 (SCI)Ying-Chung Wang
2014Ying-Chung Wang and Chiang-Ju Chien,2014,An observer-based model reference adaptive iterative learning controller for nonlinear systems,International Journal of Fuzzy Systems,16,1,pp73-85 (SCI),(EI)Chiang-Ju Chien
2014Ying-Chung Wang and Chiang-Ju Chien,2014,An observer based adaptive iterative learning control using filtered-FNN design for robotic systems,Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2014,Article ID 471418 (SCI)Chiang-Ju Chien
2014Y.-C. Wang and C.-J. Chien,2014,An observer based adaptive iterative learning control using filtered-FNN design for robotic systems,Advances in Mechanical Engineering,vol. 2014, Article ID 471418 (SCI)Ying-Chung Wang
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